San Antonio Truck Accidents Attorney

The term "truck accident" is often a misnomer. A detailed investigation after a truck crash very often reveals that negligence was a large factor. Human error — mistakes — wrongdoing — all of these descriptors are very often more accurate than the word "accident." After you have been injured or lost a loved one, understanding the true cause of the truck accident is a large part of what it takes to build a strong case for compensation.
A large part of the problem when it comes to trucking and traffic safety is that truckers have strong incentives to drive long hours. Whether they are paid by the load or by the mile, their livelihood depends on staying in motion. When a truck driver loses control, there is generally a reason — and a detailed investigation can uncover that reason.
In the Eagle Ford Shale region of South Texas, the ongoing economic boom related to oil drilling and gas extraction has put many more pressured, hurried truck drivers on the roads. Eagle Ford Shale truck accidents are well-known to law enforcement and medical emergency personnel in the area.
Truck Accidents Due To Trucker Exhaustion And Failure To Follow Safety Regulations
Taking inspection shortcuts, failing to secure loads properly and driving fatigued are all consequences of the pressure that many truckers feel to log more miles and deliver more loads. Driving while sleepy or while under stress can lead truck drivers to speed, run through stoplights or stop signs and commit other traffic violations.
Did the truck driver involved in your accident fail to maintain the truck properly and comply with safety regulations? Did he or she neglect to inspect the truck and the load? Did he or she lack the training necessary to drive a truck safely?
Contact A San Antonio Truck Accidents Lawyer
Attorney Harry S. Bates represents those seriously injured and families of those wrongfully killed in truck accidents caused by the negligence of others. Please call us at 210-241-5437, or fill out our online contact form to set up a free initial consultation and case evaluation. Se habla español.