San Antonio On-The-Job Injuries Attorney

The ability to earn a wage is a necessity. For Texans, quality of life, safety and self-satisfaction often hinge on gainful employment. But if you are hurt or suffer illness because of employment — your health and ability to earn a wage are compromised.
In the workplace, the United States Department of Labor reports over 3 million people suffered nonfatal illness or injury in 2010, and over 4,000 died. For most workers injured on the job, the Texas Workers' Compensation Act provides compensation for injury and lost wages — but denial and delay in payment of claims can quickly destroy financial and physical well-being. Where can you get help when injured on the job?
Help With Workers' Comp And Workplace Injury Cases
Serving clients throughout South Texas, Harry Bates is a highly skilled San Antonio workers' compensation attorney providing aggressive legal representation and experienced advice to individuals hurt on the job. He is prepared to pursue maximum available compensation for people who have been injured or lost loved ones in accidents such as:
- Construction site accidents
- Scaffolding accidents
- Electrical injuries
- Electrocutions
- Nail gun accidents
- Defective machinery and power tool accidents
- Burn and fire accidents
- Chemical exposure
- Industrial accidents
Good San Antonio workers' compensation lawyers provide background information about workers' comp and dedicated assistance navigating the often complicated claims process. Consider these points about your right to compensation after workplace injury or illness:
Under the Texas workers' compensation system most workers are entitled to benefits. Exceptions include those injured when drunk or drugged, engaging in horseplay, or injury that occurs while attempting to injure someone else.
In order to obtain benefits, report of injury must be made to an employer within 30 days of the injury, or 30 days from the date you became aware the injury or illness you suffer was related to work. Failure to observe these time limits can result in loss of benefits.
You have the right to retain a workers' compensation lawyer at anytime during the claims or appeal process.
Serving Communities Including Laredo — Texas Workplace Accident Lawyer Investigates Injuries For Third-Party Liability Issues
Workplace injury is sometimes caused by third parties who acted improperly, or unsafely, contributing to your injury. Legal action can also be brought against negligent third parties, including:
- Property owners
- Equipment manufacturers
- Contractors
Help With Workplace Injury In San Antonio
Earning a wage is important, but so is health. If you are injured, or suffer illness in the workplace, we coordinate accurate filing of your workers' comp claim to avoid delay, and we protect your rights — and health — through pursuit of third parties who may be responsible for your injury.
If you need San Antonio workers' comp attorneys, The Bates Law Firm focuses solely on personal injury and recovering compensation for injured clients throughout South Texas. Please call us at 210-241-5437, or fill out our online contact form to set up a free initial consultation and case evaluation.
Contact A Laredo And San Antonio On-The-Job Injuries Lawyer
The Bates Law Firm represents those seriously injured and families of those wrongfully killed in accidents caused by the negligence of others. Contact us to schedule a free initial consultation and case evaluation. Se habla español.